Thursday, May 23, 2019

Unit Commissioners Wanted! We want you!

Commissioner Staff Wanted!

There is a new weekly feature being added to the District Facebook page: Commissioner Service Thursday! Each Thursday I plan to post news & notes about how Commissioner Service is working hard to support you and your mission to deliver the best scouting program possible to the youth of David Crockett District.
The first post, not surprisingly, addresses the need for help staffing up Commissioners to provide said service. Please let me know if you (or someone you know) would like to know more about Unit Commissioner work.
Thank you to the current staff of Nate Wolfe, Andrew Bruce, and Doc Gregory Hines! We've got a great start to a great team! Just need more and you fine folks are just the people to help us identify qualified scouters willing to join serve as a Unit Commissioner.

Thank you!
Truman J. Carroll
District Commissioner

Day Camp at Your Doorstep

Scouters!  We are excited to share with you information regarding Day Camp at Your Doorstep! We are working hard to provide a program for ou...